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‘The Prime Minister swore never to call a judge’: Piotr Switalski

September 28,2018 14:34

There are new opportunities in post-revolutionary Armenia to create a free and just court system. The head of the EU delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Piotr Switalski announced this during the working meeting that was dedicated to Armenia-EU policy on judiciary reforms.

The Ambassador pointed out that the EU had invested over 50 million euros in ensuring that the Armenian justice system is more effective. The EU also promoted creating or renovating many courts, and also invested a lot in the penitentiary institution in Armavir. “Today a new page has opened in Armenia after the revolution. We consider what took place to be a new window, an open door for Armenian structures to create a just, free, and effective justice system.”

The ambassador reiterated the EU’s readiness to support and to put more effort into creating a free and just justice system in Armenia. “The justice system is the Armenian government’s highest branch of freedom. It is important for the government’s many priorities. The government, of course, has also noted that everything needs to begin with the freedom of the justice system. The prime minister said that he swears he will never call any judge.”

During their visits to Armenia, experts from the EU stated that Armenia needs to continue its fight against corruption. “This is also one of the priorities of the Armenian government. This is where the government’s and justice system’s priorities coincide,” the ambassador said, adding that the justice system needs to be fully free from all types of corruption, and steps need to be taken to prevent it.


Nelly Grigoryan

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