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Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory letter to President of the Republic of Abkhazia

September 29,2018 13:07

Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory letter to President of the Republic of Abkhazia Raul Khadjimba.

The letter runs as follows:

“Respected Mr. Khadjimba,

On behalf of the people and authorities of the Artsakh Republic and personally myself I extend my cordial congratulations to You and the whole people of fraternal Abkhazia on the Day of Liberation and Victory in the Patriotic War.

2018 is a jubilee year for Abkhazia. 25 years ago people of Abkhazia proclaimed their independent and sovereign state. A decade ago the independence of Abkhazia was recognized by the Russian Federation, marking the beginning of the international recognition of the Abkhazian statehood.

For a quarter of a century fraternal Abkhazia went through a difficult, but heroic path. The people of Abkhazia successfully cope with all the tasks of state building, steadily strengthening and developing their country.

I once again congratulate You, respected Mr. Khadjimba, wishing You and all the people of Abkhazia peace, welfare and prosperity!”


Central Information Department

of the Office of the ARTSAKH REPUBLIC President

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