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Eduard Sharmazanov in Belarus Parliament: The Weapon Sold to Azerbaijan Shoots Armenia

September 30,2018 16:07

On September 24, the 11th Sitting of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Cooperation between the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus was held in Minsk. The RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov delivered a speech and among other items also touched upon the CSTO activities and the regional security problems, particularly noting:

“The Armenian-Belarus inter-parliamentary relations are emphasized with the membership of the two states to the CSTO and EEU. Still in 2000 our states adopted a Declaration within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty, according to which the military-technical cooperation of the member states of the organization should be of prior character, but it is not a secret that the some CSTO member states sell weapon to Azerbaijan. I find it worth stressing that the weapon sold to Azerbaijan shot, is shooting and probably will shoot at the direction the CSTO member state – Armenia. This is concerning. I should mention that during recent period the Azerbaijani forces frequently open fire at the direction of the peaceful population of Armenia’s borderline regions, which is the grossest violation of all international norms. I think that our colleagues should condemn such deconstructive policy.”

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