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No other choice for amnesty: Edmon Marukyan

October 01,2018 17:38

On Friday, September 28th, the Department for Defense, Security, and Justice Affairs of the office of the prime minister discussed my suggestion for changing the Criminal Code of Armenia, where I particularly suggested that every day spent in custody be counted as 1.5 days in prison, as well as to give the law up until 2004 a reverse effect. On one hand, this is a humanitarian step for those sentenced and imprisoned and for their families, and on the other hand, it will free up some space in penitentiary institutions that are full.

According to preliminary discussions, the government has a negative view on this, but it still needs to be discussed in parliament.

I continue to be convinced that, if this project is not accepted, there will be no alternative to amnesty and I think that a law about amnesty needs to be signed immediately. According to article 117 of the constitution, only the government can initiate it. Therefore, the ball is in the government’s court.

Edmon Marukyan

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