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Noteworthy law in parliament: RPA creates new draft to prevent parliament from dissolving so Pashinyan doesn’t get elected again

October 02,2018 16:02

A noteworthy initiative was discussed in parliament when it was being read again.

The draft was written by Arpine Hovhannisyan, Vahram Baghdasaryan, and Andranik Harutyunyan regarding changes in the National Assembly. When it was read the first time, they only suggested that government representatives, when they come to report, must be present when the law is being discussed. In the current law, there were no requirements. It simply said that they “can” be present. However, now they are required to be present, even if the government’s decision is positive, because members of parliament may ask them questions.

When it was read the second time, noteworthy changes had been made. First, as we have already stated, it was suggested that it be made mandatory not only for people currently holding a position, but also people who are no longer in power who, before their resignation, were demanded to give information, to be present at the Investigative Committee and answer questions. This prevents the risk of the committee asking an official for information, the official resigning, and them no longer having to provide the necessary information.

The government’s position on this initiative is negative.


Hripsime Jebejyan

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