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Azerbaijan prepared for constructive meetings, assures Aliyev’s cabinet

October 02,2018 16:36

Azerbaijan is always ready for constructive negotiations and meetings which will serve to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Spokesperson for the president of Azerbaijan Hikmet Hajiyev said this in an interview with the Azerbaijani “Trend” agency.

He said that during the summit for CIS countries in Dushanbe, the president of Azerbaijan and the prime minister of Armenia had a short conversation, and the one who initiated that conversation was Nikol Pashinyan.

“That serves as more proof that the format of these negotiations remains unchangeable and that the negotiations need to be held by Armenia and Azerbaijan, as they are the two players in the conflict. I also should add that the same format was used in September in New York during the Grand Assembly meetings and in July in Brussels with meetings between the foreign affairs ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan. We consider that to be a positive thing. Azerbaijan is always ready for constructive negotiations and meetings which will serve to resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. This is just more proof that Azerbaijan is loyal to the format of the negotiations process,” said Hajiyev, adding that the only one at fault for the increase in tensions at the border in Armenia.

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