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Emmanuel Macron: French cannot survive if it is only spoken on one continent

October 11,2018 16:33

The 17th annual Francophonie Summit began on October 11th in Yerevan. The theme is “Living together, respecting solidarity, humanitarian ideals, and diversity through a peaceful and moral base in the Francophone regions,” and 38 countries’ leaders will be participating.

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke during the summit and considers the spread of the French language to be important. He said that 700 million people will soon speak French, and French today is considered to be the second most taught language after English.

“It is a language of creation. English has become the international language, but French can also be on the same level too.”

He also said that it is important to actively use French on the internet and that French cannot exist if it only is to be used on one continent. Macron suggested to create a committee of authors and invite them to create several dictionaries.

Emmanuel Macron also spoke about the great singer Charles Aznavour.

“France and the Francophonie summit are, for Armenia, symbols of a voice, of a greatly talented singer, who sang about our happiness, our sadness, and our lives with a special mournfulness that is unique to those who find themselves living in foreign countries.”

According to him, Aznavour sang about and protected Armenianness, organized charity work after the genocide, and encouraged bravery.

Sona Gevorgyan

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