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‘The government will not be democratic if it rejects former officials’: Czech Ambassador

October 19,2018 14:05

“If there are no criminal elements, then I don’t think that they shouldn’t participate in the governance of the nation. This government cannot be considered democratic if it does not allow the participation of such individuals in government and in the political processes of the country,” said Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Armenia Petr Mikyska regarding how some individuals who were part of the previous government are also a part of the current government.

“I think that your question is more of a matter for law enforcement, and not for officials,” the ambassador said to a reporter, and then emphasized once more, “But if there are some criminal elements, then the punishment needs to be in accordance with the law.”

Regarding the fact that, according to the Venice Commission, snap parliamentary elections need to take place in six months in accordance with the conditions set by the Electoral Code, but Armenian officials want elections to take place in December, Petr Mikyska said, “That is part of the country’s internal affairs; it’s an internal question. I can understand both sides of the problem, but I will not state my personal opinion.”

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