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Why Nikol Pashinyan won’t negotiate in Artsakh’s name

October 24,2018 14:35

“The people’s opinion is the decisive factor which will be used to decide whether a particular way to solve the Artsakh conflict will benefit us or not,” Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said, answering deputy Shirak Torosyan’s question. He added that Armenia cannot have the type of government that will solve the Artsakh question without taking the people’s opinion into consideration.

Nikol Pashinyan also voiced this opinion during his official visit to Lebanon.

Nikol Pashinyan said that many people are wrong when they assume that he refuses to negotiate until Artsakh is allowed to return to the negotiations table. He said that he only is allowed to negotiate in Armenia’s name. “Since the government of Artsakh is not included in the process, we are not close to finding a solution to the conflict,” Pashinyan said.

Regarding the fact that Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan negotiated in the names of both Armenian states, Nikol Pashinyan said that Robert Kocharyan was an elected President of Artsakh, and Serzh Sargsyan was one of the leaders of the Artsakh Liberation Movement. Therefore, according to Nikol Pashinyan, they are allowed to have the right to negotiate.

Pashinyan assured that if a solution is proposed that he thinks is an appropriate one to present to the people, that will be his first plan of action.

He reconfirmed the Armenian side’s approach- he does not see any possibility for resolution without clarifying the situation in Artsakh.

Nelly Grigoryan

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