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‘Residents of Artsakh should no longer be subject to such crimes’: MFA spokesperson to Mamedyarov

October 25,2018 15:36

MFA spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan spoke to reporters about Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov’s recent statement, that the basis for negotiations on the resolution of the Artsakh conflict needs to be the cessation of “occupation” of Azerbaijani territory and the incorporation of Artsakh into Azerbaijan. “There is no need to comment on such statements since Armenia has expressed its position multiple times. Artsakh’s status and security are of utmost importance to Armenia. Its security is important for the people of Artsakh, who were subject to violence by Azerbaijan for many years,” Anna Naghdalyan said.

According to her, the people of Artsakh no longer should be subject to such crimes. “The decision of the people of Artsakh during the negotiations process is important. It must have some say in the process.”

Regarding Nikol Pashinyan’s recent statement that Armenia has an operative connection with Azerbaijan, Anna Naghdalyan said, “Yes, it needs to be looked at in the following way: it is meant to secure and strengthen a peaceful environment. It is a working connection.”


Luiza Sukiasyan

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