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Question of replacing Khachaturov in CSTO still in discussion phase

October 25,2018 16:39

“Discussions about finding solutions and understanding the rules with appropriate bodies in the CSTO continue. The results of these discussions will be published soon, when they are presented to the CSTO council for confirmation,” Spokesperson of the MFA Anna Naghdalyan said regarding information in the Russian media that Armenia is thinking about giving its presidential powers in the CSTO to Belarus before the time limit.

Armenia initiated the removal of CSTO Secretary-General Yuri Khachaturov since he was accused of violating the Armenian constitution during the events of March 1st.

Regarding the CSTO parliamentary summit that was to be held in Yerevan but was moved to Moscow, Anna Naghdalyan said that it was a technical decision based on developments in Armenia’s political arena. “There is no other reason.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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