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Pashinyan refuses to disclose his secret for success to American official

October 26,2018 14:40

“Armenian-American relations are one of America’s priorities. They are important and have strategic meaning,” said the National Security Advisor of the USA John Bolton after meeting with Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

Speaking about his discussion with Pashinyan about economic policy, Bolton said that they discussed the importance of increasing American investments in Armenia.

“We also spoke of the upcoming parliamentary elections in December. It’s clear that several things will be postponed in connection to that. We also spoke about surveys of the public opinion, which show that Nikol Pashinyan will likely receive the majority of votes,” John Bolton said.

He said that he had asked Nikol Pashinyan what his secret to success is. “But he refused to disclose his secret to success. Maybe he’ll tell me after the elections. But it’s clear that if those predictions become a reality, the Prime Minister will have a strong base after the elections to take critical steps.”


Luiza Sukiasyan

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