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European Union’s great challenge in Armenia: Zhamanak

November 01,2018 14:39

The European Union’s ambassador to Armenia, Piotr Switalski, stated that the Armenian government understands the priority of having good relations with the EU and has rated the work in that direction positively. The ambassador also stated that new agreements will be made, as well as new projects and financial agreements. Armenian-EU relations within the conditions of the New Armenia was difficult to form. Nikol Pashinyan’s famous statement that he made after his visit to Brussels in June was a controversial one. The EU ambassador and other diplomats allowed for responsive statements- ones that carefully hid their dissatisfaction, but also in such a way that it wouldn’t remain unnoticed.

However, overall, within this time frame until the EU ambassador’s statement, one thing is clear: on the Armenian public policy agenda, it seems that attention towards Armenia-EU relations and European diplomats have decreased unless there is some sort of positive or upsetting surprise. And this is a typical event. This may be due to the fact that the inner developments in Armenia have overtaken everything else and nothing else is interesting for the public. On the other hand, we have seen how much attention people paid to John Bolton’s announcements in Yerevan. This shows that the problem isn’t the people’s engrossment, but instead what new developments are taking place alongside that. And here it is important to note that European politics seems to not have existed within Armenia over these past few months.


Aram Amatuni


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