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Mesrobian 80th Anniversary: the Jubilee Year Initiated with Divine Liturgy

November 07,2018 14:02

On Thursday, November 1, 2018, at 6:00 PM, the celebrations dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Armenian Catholic Mesrobian High School initiated with the Divine Liturgy at St. Savior Armenian Catholic Church in Bourj Hammoud. His Beatitude Krikor Bedros XX, Catholicos Patriarch of Cilicia of the Armenian Catholics, presided over the Liturgy, in the presence of many State, denominational, political and union figures, as well as a large number of instructors, parents and friends. The Liturgy was celebrated by Patriarchal Vicar of the Armenian Catholic Church and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Schools Monsignor Kapriel Mouradian, accompanied by Mesrobian High School ‘’Dzidzernag’’ Student’s Choir, conducted by Manuel Keshishian. 

Patriarch Krikor Bedros XX stated in his sermon that Mesrobian High School’s 80th anniversary is an estimable jubilee that makes the establishment more successful year after year in favor of the intellectual and spiritual education and development of the Armenian generations. The Patriarch mentioned that the founders of Mesrobian, inspired by virtues of fidelity and principles, protected the children of Armenian Genocide survivor families by nourishing their mind and soul.

The Patriarch declared that the Armenian Catholic Community is proud of this establishment, which has blossomed through the Community members, who have become principals, teachers and spiritual educators, contributing to the perseverance of the School, which has prospered and responded to the national and own expectations of the families.

Then, Catholicos Patriarch Krikor Bedros XX mentioned that the Armenian Catholic Church has officially addressed Pope Francis and the relevant bodies for the beatification and canonization of Mesrobian’s Founding Father, Patriarch Krikor Bedros XV Aghajanian, who was the ambassador of Armenians in the whole world.

Then, Mesrobian High School Principal Gregoire Kaloust took the stage. He stated that light and hope-inspiring Mesrobian High School is Armenia far from homeland, and a solid fortress and armor against alienation. Mr. Kaloust added that Mesrobian with its numerous students, profile and belongingness is the heart of Bourj Hammoud, and one of the guarantees of the existence of Lebanese Armenians.

According to Mr. Kaloust, Mesrobian High School is always in progress, keeping in step with the current technology and modern pedagogy. Gregoire Kaloust stated that the graduates of Mesrobian occupy honorable posts in the world, remaining at the same time faithful to their national and spiritual belongingness and to the legacy of Mesrob Mashdots.

Patriarchal Vicar of the Lebanese Catholic Church and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Schools Monsignor Kapriel Mouradian delivered the closing speech. He mentioned that the 80th anniversary is an occasion to glorify God, who has kept this school standing for 80 years, under the aegis of dedicated and self-devoted people. Father Mouradian then emphasized on the importance of Armenian Church-Armenian Schoolcollaboration for guaranteeing the survival of generations as Armenians.

An artistic program took place during the event.

In the end, Berj Parmaksezian, Steve Mesdjian, Nayiri Etoyan, Ani Bablouzian and Therese Azar were awarded for their 30-year contribution to the school.


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