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‘CSTO leaders are insulted and do not want Armenia to continue leadership’: politician

November 07,2018 17:39

“I share the same approach as the Ministry of Defense that Armenia needs to continue leading in the CSTO, but I do not know whether the other members of the CSTO share the same opinion, especially considering how we treated the CSTO. Arresting Yuri Khachaturov and charging him without the appropriate preparatory work… That was considered an insult towards the CSTO,” said head of the Armenian Cause Office, politician Giro Manoyan regarding the fact that Yuri Khachaturov was removed from his position in the CSTO, and the next candidate is likely to be a representative from Belarus. Armenia initiated the process to replace Khachaturov since he was charged with violating the constitution during the events of March 1st.

According to Giro Manoyan, unfortunately, the CSTO will continue to feel insulted. “That approach towards Armenia will continue. They will not approve of Armenia continuing in its leadership position.” Regarding rumors that Azerbaijan has made a bid to become a member of the CSTO, Giro Manoyan said that that is impossible since Armenia, as a member of the CSTO, has the right to object to it. “Azerbaijan can always continue to try with the goal of making Armenia uncomfortable. Russia will also be interested in showing Azerbaijan, if not the other countries of the CSTO as well, that it can become a member of the CSTO.”

The purpose of such behavior, according to Giro Manoyan, is to attract Azerbaijan in favor of some Russian interests. “I am certain that as long as Armenia remains a member of the CSTO, Azerbaijan cannot become a member of the organization. It simply is a threat to us. How can it become a member of an organization that is in favor of security such as the CSTO?”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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