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‘Azerbaijan ‘spoiled child’ in Artsakh conflict as long as Turkey places conditions on Armenia’: Giro Manoyan

November 07,2018 20:41

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced again that Armenia is prepared to open the Armenian-Turkish border without any pre-conditions. Turkey announced its approach that the border can open, but only if Armenia recognizes Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity in the Artsakh conflict. Head of the Armenian Causes Office, politician Giro Manoyan noted that Nikol Pashinyan confirmed that Armenia’s position has not changed. “It should not be understood from his announcement that he has any plans to initiate a new project,” Manoyan told reporters.

Giro Manoyan emphasized that despite the readiness of Armenia’s authorities, Turkey continues to place conditions on Armenia, therefore this issue cannot move forward. “Turkey supports Azerbaijan, and that’s why the Artsakh issue has not been resolved. If Armenian-Turkish relations are resolved without any pre-conditions, that will truly promote peace in the region. That will force Azerbaijan to negotiate.”


According to the politician, as long as Turkey continues to place conditions on Armenia, Azerbaijan will continue to behave like a spoiled child. “Aliyev still has not understood that there is not much difference between the former and current Armenian authorities’ approach to the Artsakh conflict, especially when Pashinyan emphasizes that Artsakh needs to participate in negotiations.”


Luiza Sukiasyan

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