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Sharmazanov explains why people should vote for RPA

November 08,2018 17:39

Vice Speaker of the National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov told reporters that the RPA will be the second force in parliament. When asked why people should vote for the RPA, Sharmazanov explained, “When we were in power, the Secretary General of the CSTO wasn’t suddenly removed, now there are issues in our relations with Iran, investments decreased by 11 percent. The Francophonie summit, which everyone applauded Nikol Pashinyan for, was carried out by us. We were the ones who invited Merkel so you could take selfies with her. We were the ones to ensure that Armenia would have a Secretary General to the CSTO, we were the ones to enter the EAEU. If there is still any economic growth, it’s due to inertia from the administrations of Karen Karapetyan, Hovik Abrahamyan, and Tigran Sargsyan. We were the ones to sign an agreement with the European Union where the Artsakh issue was clearly outlined. When we were in power, people like Bolton didn’t come to Armenia and tell us to give back our historical lands. When we were in power, more than 10 countries recognized the Armenian Genocide, including Germany, which was an ally of Turkey during World War One. We put red lines and cameras on the roads which you all once criticized us for, but now enjoy under the new government.”


Hripsime Jebejyan

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