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The system is the priority

November 09,2018 12:58

Whenever it’s said that the system is more important than people for the state, that typically has the opposite effect in Armenia. “If so-and-so wasn’t in power, they wouldn’t steal from the people, and people would have better lives.” Individual actions affect style, colors, and lexicon, but not the overall essence. For example, if the ruling party is structured in such a way that no one has the right to go against the person in charge, then it doesn’t matter how wonderful that person is. The governing system of the state will have authoritarian elements.

Now imagine that Republicans in the US tell Donald Trump, “Yes, Chief, whatever you say will be correct.” That is impossible, not because Trump doesn’t want that- I think he would want that very much- but simply because the system that has reigned in the United States for the past 250 years does not allow that. The President of the United States cannot make sole decisions for political parties or for the state. As you can see, that takes place in a presidential system.

Even when the majority of Congress was comprised of Donald Trump’s political party members, Republicans, the President was unable to, for example, get rid of Obama’s healthcare changes, he had difficulties in building a wall along the Mexican border and in carrying out his plans to decrease taxes. Trump was angry with Republicans since they weren’t completely supportive of him, but Representatives and Senators in the US are independent people. The President can’t send tax collectors to their businesses, for example.

Obstacles in Trump’s plans will grow especially after this week’s elections, where Democrats became the majority of Congress. Not only will they most likely veto the president’s initiatives, but they will also look more deeply into the issue of whether Russia had any influence on the 2016 presidential elections.

A democratic system has checks and balances. Our revolution will be successful if we will be able to implement such a system. Of course, that is not something that can be done in six months or even six years, but political leaders should at least have that goal in mind. The state system should not be dependent on any individual’s will.

Aram Abrahamyan

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