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Energy Community to step up efforts to prepare for clean energy transition

November 09,2018 14:03

According to the Energy Community Secretariat’s Annual Implementation Report, all nine Energy Community Contracting countries, including Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and the newest member – Georgia – have made progress in reforming their energy sectors, but further efforts are needed.

These efforts are especially important if the clean energy transition is to succeed. The Report concludes that the average implementation score is around 43%. Moldova and Ukraine have one of the lowest implementation rates. The newest Energy Community member, Georgia, has the lowest implementation rate, but is performing well so far.

“This call is now more urgent than ever as the European Union moves ahead with the Clean Energy Package. The Energy Community has to take part in the momentum towards building the energy sectors of the future marked by decarbonisation, decentralisation and digitalization,” underlined Janez Kopač, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat.

The Secretariat’s Annual Implementation Report, covering the period from September 2017 to September 2018, features dedicated chapters on electricity, gas, oil, infrastructure, national regulatory authorities, renewable energy, energy efficiency, environment, climate, competition and statistics.

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