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President Sarkissian handed to Ervand Manarian the badge of the People’s Artist of Armenia: ‘This is the valuation of your life’

November 12,2018 14:10

By the decree of President Armen Sarkissian, on November 5, Ervand Manarian was awarded the honorable title of the People’s Artist of the Republic of Armenia for his considerable contribution to the Armenian culture.

Today, President Sarkissian visited the beloved artist and director and handed to him the badge and certificate of the RA People’s Artist. “I have a great and pleasant duty, something which should have probably been done 30 or 40 years before me. I believe this is the greatest appreciation on behalf of our people of your years-long work. The affection has always been there, you have always been the people’s artist. One cannot become the people’s artist by a decree, it comes from the people,” President Sarkissian said.

Ervand Manarian expressed thanks for the high title and award and said that it was the assessment of his entire life, “This is the valuation of your life,” the President of Armenia confirmed.

President Sarkissian had a sincere and simple conversation with the renowned artist, whom he remembered from his childhood years, from the friendly and congenial gatherings with his parents. Armen Sarkissian said that pictures from those distant years are kept in his family album. “Beside the photographs, there are also memories,” President Sarkissian added and recalled interesting episodes from his childhood related to Ervand Manarian.

The beloved artist and President Sarkissian in a warm and frank atmosphere conversed about arts, culture, shared impressions and memories.

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