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Armenian Armed Forces has new weapons, quality of soldiers’ clothes changed

November 13,2018 14:38

The highest quality undershirts for members of the Armenian Armed Forces has already been produced by a local factory. The first batch of shirts is already in the Ministry of Defense’s warehouse. Acting Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan spoke about this with reporters. He assured that the quality of the new products is vastly different from before. Now the problem lies in solving mindset issues.

“Our soldiers need to trust laundromats, as is accepted worldwide, or they should wash their clothes because the quality of the new undershirts is very good. If they don’t want to wash their clothes, they’ll want new ones from home,” Davit Tonoyan noted.

Regarding the issue of how parents send their soldiers items from home, Tonoyan first suggested that they be referred to as ‘small boxes,’ which are an acceptable way to get attention. Then he said that the ministry wants the best organizations that will win a competition to supply food to the army.

Regarding the local military industry, Tonoyan said that Armenian-produced aerial vehicles have already been included in the Artsakh Defense Army.

“We have other new things that will be included in our army. This is specifically regarding new weapons,” Davit Tonoyan said but did not find it appropriate to discuss details.


Luiza Sukiasyan

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