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‘No investigations against Armenian ambassador in Germany’: Anna Naghdalyan

November 14,2018 13:32

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has gotten into contact with Germany in order to check the validity of the information. We confirm that there is no information in Germany regarding an investigation against Ashot Smbatyan,” MFA Spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan told reporters regarding rumors that the Armenian Ambassador to Germany Ashot Smbatyan has connections to the Armenian mafia in Germany.

“That incident was aimed towards spoiling the activities of the Armenian Embassy in Berlin, but it did not have an effect on that. We are continuing to take steps to promote and strengthen the Armenian-German agenda,” Anna Naghdalyan assured.

She also mentioned how the Berlin state court decided to ban the media from spreading unfounded information about Ashot Smbatyan. “Any such information about the Armenian ambassador was removed from online.”

Responding to the question of whether the MFA tried to find out the validity of the rumors surrounding the ambassador, Naghdalyan emphasized, “I said that we got into contact with the German courts and were able to find out what we needed to know. I cannot say anything more.”


Luiza Sukiasyan

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