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Serious situation in National Assembly regarding Satanists, sexual minorities, and Catholicos

November 16,2018 14:45

There was a very serious situation in parliament during the voting surrounding changes in the bill authored by members of the RPA titled “Special State Protection for Certain Individuals.” The plan included special protection for the Catholicos.

While members of the RPA argued that everyone put their personal views aside and support the Armenian Apostolic Church, Yelq alliance leader Lena Nazaryan argued that there is no need to establish special protection for the Catholicos. Eduard Sharmazanov said, “This is more than just a simple vote. With this vote, we decide whether we serve God or Satan. This is not a political issue.”

There were only 28 votes in favor of the bill. Eduard Sharmazanov became angry, and said that this was the most shameful vote in the history of independent Armenia. “The forces that allowed for bigotry, LGBT propaganda, and those who have made the church a secondary unit need to give answers to the Armenian people.” Sharmazanov was so angry that he left the hall. Ara Babloyan called after him and said that there were still important bills that needed to be voted upon, but Sharmazanov did not return.


Hripsime Jebejyan

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