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‘Old dictators’ cannot accept Pashinyan in their closed club: Ara Papian discusses Belarusian MFA’s response

November 19,2018 14:55

Head of the Modus Vivendi center Ara Papian spoke to Aravot about the Belarusian MFA’s response to Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s announcement about making closed discussions in the CSTO public. “If the spokesperson of the Belarusian MFA responded in time, for example, during Nursultan Nazarbayev’s commentary in the CSTO or when they entered the EAEU and Aliyev’s notorious accusatory letter was sent, perhaps we could have been able to logically accept their response. But now it seems to be openly partial, and not fundamental, which is why I have a negative opinion of it. And Nikol Pashinyan has already responded to their comments. He didn’t just come out and speak about their private discussions. There are fundamental and psychological separations here. In the end, the old dictators cannot accept someone new into their club. The formulation of their commentary, which they call “street democracy,” makes that obvious. That is unacceptable for them.”

The spokesperson of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Nikol Pashinyan made himself the international Prosecutor General who is authorized to forgive or punish. “It’s possible that Mr. Pashinyan has not understood yet that street democracy is not acceptable in world politics.”

According to Ara Papian, they are resolving their own interests, and they fear that there will be a revolution in their own country. Belarus is also trying to please Azerbaijan. “Pashinyan said what he needed to because they did not carry themselves as an ally should.” Papian said that, if Pashinyan judged Lukashenko’s actions, then the spokesperson’s comments would have been correct.

Ara Papian stated that Belarus is a dictatorship and they fear the word ‘democracy,’ hence why they said that the rules of street democracy do not work in world politics.


Hripsime Jebejyan

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