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‘We are not preparing to join the government, even if they beg us’: Armen Rustamyan

November 19,2018 15:36

“We recorded one important mistake in the political arena and I trust that we will never repeat it in the future. I am referring to how the ARF should never be a part of a government or coalition where it does not have the right to have its own voice and where it cannot make decisions,” ARF faction head Armen Rustamyan told reporters, answering Aravot’s question about what mistakes the ARF has accepted that it made after analyzing the situation after the revolution.

He said that he believes My Step will be in the government, and if the ARF is invited to the government, they will not join. “We are not preparing to be a part of the government even if they beg us.”

Armen Rustamyan said that there will be new faces in the government and it is uncertain which direction they will take the country in. “There are many uncertainties. This is a transitional period and there are serious problems in how the new faces will carry out that transition. Changes are needed, but the past needs to be evaluated correctly so that the same mistakes do not repeat themselves. I consider this period to be similar to the 1990s- new faces came in, changed the old ones, and they were starting to learn, that’s why they failed.”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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