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Armenia: EU presents awards to winners of “My vision of Europe” essay competition

November 21,2018 14:07

On 19 November, EU Ambassador to Armenia Piotr Świtalski handed over the prizes to the winners of the nationwide essay competition “My Vision of Europe” at an award ceremony held at the “Article 3” club.

Ani Matevosyan won the competition’s first prize, while Nelly Papoyan and Ani Antonyan came second and third respectively. The competition was organised within the “Euroclubs in Armenia” project.

The contest, run by the EU Delegation to the country, invited young Armenians to submit non-academic essays. The essays had to focus on young people’s vision of the future of Armenia and Europe after the signature of the new EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, as well as how current events and decisions affect them in their daily lives. The contest aimed to promote and trigger discussion on issues that matter to Armenian youth.

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