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Bako Sahakyan partook at Annual Gala party of ‘Telethon 2018’

November 21,2018 15:05

On 20 November Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan partook in Los Angeles at the Annual Gala party of the “Telethon 2018”.

In his speech the President spoke about the voluminous work carried out by the “Hayastan” all-Armenian Fund in Artsakh, extending his deep appreciation to all those who consistently supported Artsakh in the implementation of key strategic programs.

“The US Armenians community notably its Californian part, represent one of the most well-organized communities of our Diaspora, and every time we come here we gain a unique impetus seeing our compatriots firm in their patriotism, caring about the Motherland, being part and parcel of it by soul and heart. You carry out the challenging mission of remaining Armenian, maintaining the Armenian national identity with honor”, stressed Bako Sahakyan in his remarks.

Touching upon the targeted activities within the framework of the “Telethon 2018”, the President noted that their implementation would play an essential role in safeguarding the energy and food security of our republic.

The Head of the State voiced his confidence that all the set tasks would be, as always, successfully realized with joint efforts.


Central Information Department

of the Office of the ARTSAKH REPUBLIC President


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