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Bako Sahakyan held meetings with the representatives of the Central Committee

November 21,2018 16:08

On 19 and 20 November Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan held meetings in Los Angeles with the representatives of the Central Committee and governing body of the Western USA Hnchakyan Social-Democratic Party, Western USA Regional Committee of the Ramkavar Azatakan Party and Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western US Central Committee.

The discussions focused on various issues related to the Artsakh foreign and domestic policy, the Artsakh-Diaspora cooperation and regional developments.

The Head of the State deemed the meetings sought-after and useful voicing his satisfaction with their recurrent nature.

Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles Armen Baibourtyan and other officials partook at the meetings.


Central Information Department

of the Office of the ARTSAKH REPUBLIC President

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