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‘The Prime Minister understood that he cannot lead the country, so he went back to doing what he does best- marching’: Sharmazanov

November 22,2018 19:40

Vice Speaker of the National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov, regarding the upcoming march on November 24th organized by Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, told reporters, “It became clear over these past several months that marches and protests work better for Pashinyan and the members of his government than developing the economy, creating jobs, and bringing in investments. People should do whatever work it is that they do best. The Prime Minister likely understood that he cannot lead the country, so he decided to go back to doing what he does best: organizing marches. I hope that he will one day completely go back to organizing marches and will leave governing to more professional politicians.”

Reporters asked about whether an appeal will be sent to the Central Electoral Commission due to the fact that the Transparency International anti-corruption organization found that Nikol Pashinyan abused his administrative resources during his visits to the regions. Sharmazanov said that violations of the Electoral Code on behalf of the Prime Minister are evident, as well as his use of his administrative resources. “He is doing everything that he once blamed us for. The CEC must do what the Constitution demands. Lawyers need to decide whether they should launch a case in accordance with the law.”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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