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President Armen Sarkissian: Remember that the future of Armenia depends on all and each of us

November 26,2018 16:09

On the eve of the beginning of the political campaign for the elections to the National Assembly, President Armen Sarkissian made a statement.

Dear Fellow Citizens,

The pre-election campaign for the elections to the National Assembly will commence on November 26.

These elections are the most important event in the political life of Armenia after the great changes which took place last April and May. The results will be essential for the development of the country and its prospects.

We all ought to be very responsible and conscientious, regardless of the positions we hold or capabilities we have.

Thus, I am appealing to state bodies: Carry on with honor your legal duties and fulfill requirements of the Constitution. I am confident that free, equal, and legitimate elections will from now on become the indivisible part of our modern history.

I appeal to the political parties and alliances participating to the elections: I hope that you have taken up the political task of forming your teams and programs with the utmost responsibility. They chart the course for Armenia’s future development.
Stay true to the values you believe in, at the same time, stay respectful and courteous to each other.

In the upcoming elections, I wish success to all participating political forces.
I appeal to our citizens: While discussing the programs be demanding, listen to all, so that you can make your choice judiciously and well-informed. Make your choice in accordance with your vision of Armenia’s development, in accordance with your values.

Remember that Armenia’s future depends on all and each of us.

God bless the Republic of Armenia, God bless the Republic of Artsakh, the entire Armenian nation and all citizens of the Republic of Armenia.

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