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‘We’ll lay them out on the asphalt and throw them against walls’: Pashinyan regarding RPA village and community authorities

November 27,2018 16:31

“People from several villages told me that they are afraid of the RPA. Authority has been returned to the people, therefore, no one should have any basis for fearing any political force. Political forces should instead fear the people,” Acting Prime Minister and head of the My Step alliance Nikol Pashinyan told citizens in Spitak. The snap parliamentary elections are to take place on December 9th. “The Republican village leaders who think that they can scare people should know that I personally will come after you and throw you out of your offices,” Pashinyan said and continued. “There are people in this country who dare to scare others?” Someone in the crowd shouted, “Yes!” Pashinyan responded, “Yes? We will lay you all out onto the asphalt and you won’t be able to get up for many years.”

Then, Pashinyan called upon the police. “Don’t fear anyone, whether they be a mafioso or oligarch… we’ll throw everyone against the walls… thieves, robbers, scoundrels: your place is in prison! Don’t you dare call yourselves authorities!” Pashinyan called upon voters, “If you don’t want the RPA to be elected, don’t give them any votes. We cannot forgive them and experience proves that. As much as we try to spread an atmosphere of love and solidarity, some people try to take advantage of it. The thieving brigade of the RPA needs to be sent to the dumpsters, they shouldn’t be voted for.”

Nikol Pashinyan also spoke about the RPA election slogan, “If you’re worried, vote Republican.” “If you are a free citizen, don’t vote for the RPA. Don’t vote for the forces that have used force or election bribes even once. Don’t vote for any force that thinks that it’s possible to use weapons and violence to solve problems.”


Luiza Sukiasyan

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