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President Sarkissian visited the German Red Cross: I am here to convey words of gratitude on behalf of the Armenian people

November 29,2018 17:02

In the evening of November 27, President Armen Sarkissian and Mrs. Nouneh Sarkissian visited the headquarters of the German Red Cross in Berlin.

The German Red Cross, which is providing humanitarian assistance all over the world in the areas affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts, started its activities in Armenia in 1988, right after the earthquake in Spitak. The organization had actively participated in the rescue works and later, in cooperation with the Armenian Red Cross, provided large-scale and many-sided assistance to the affected population.

President Armen Sarkissian met with the President of the German Red Cross Gerda Hasselfeldt, expressed gratitude for landing a hand at that difficult for the Armenian people times.

At the meeting with the staff of the organization, President of Armenia, speaking about the devastating earthquake, which took place 30 years ago and its dire consequences, loss of human lives and people who became homeless, noted, “All that was very sad and tragic. But in these 30 years there have also been very humane, touching stories. Stories about human love, care, attention and lack of indifference. We, those living in Armenia and Armenians all over the world, will never forget warmth, attention, and human attitude which our friends in the world, also from this wonderful country manifested towards Armenia and the Armenian people. Please be assured that every Armenia holds in his or her heart that gratitude and respect. These are not just nice words. Recently, I have visited Gyumri and have noticed that gratitude not only in elderly people but in young people, who didn’t see the earthquake, but the story lives within them and together with it, their parents passed on them also gratitude. So, I am here to convey the words of gratitude on my personal behalf and on behalf of the entire Armenian nation.”

At the meeting, President Sarkissian handed RA state awards and souvenirs to a group of employees of the German Red Cross. For the practical participation and tireless humanitarian activities aimed at the mitigation of the devastating Spitak earthquake, Deputy Secretary General of the German Red Cross Johannes Richter was awarded the Mkhitar Heratsi medal, and German Red Cross representatives Zigrfid Hetmannschperger and Carl-Heinz Scheiden were awarded Medals of Gratitude. 

Addressing President of the German Red Cross Gerda Hasselfeldt, President Sarkissian asked her to convey his words of gratitude to thousands of German Red Cross workers, all those who are contributing their time, life, and compassion to help other overcome difficulties.

At the conclusion of the event, President of the German Red Cross Gerda Hasselfeldt handed to the spouse of the President, Mrs. Nouneh Sarkissian a certificate for 10 thousand Euros which will be used to renovate the “Berlin” outpatient clinic in Gyumri.
President Sarkissian thanked for the gift and added that he would make a donation for the same amount also earmarked for the renovation of the “Berlin” outpatient clinic in Gyumri as a token of a true friendship of the two nations and the opportunity to undertake tasks of a greater scale.


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