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‘Azerbaijan has come so close to Nakhichevan border that they can see our roads’

November 29,2018 15:39

We asked former Minister of Defense and RPA deputy candidate Artak Zakaryan about how Armenia lost 800 hectares of land while the RPA was in power, therefore, how will history not condemn the RPA for losing this land. Artak Zakaryan responded, “We didn’t lose 800 hectares, instead, we saved the lives of 500 people.” When we commented that people say that if the RPA did not steal so much from the country, Armenia would have been able to buy sufficient amounts of weapons and the April War would not have taken place, Zakaryan said, “Nothing was stolen, we lost lots of land during the war and got it back. Should we have gone to war, is that what you’re saying? Now, Azerbaijan has come so close to the border with Nakhichevan that it can see our roads, and we cannot exclude the possibility of them destroying our roads should they feel the need to. But that did not take place while we were in power. Why aren’t you talking about that?”


Hripsime Jebejyan

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