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‘Founders of straw fuel production to receive cheap loans’: Pashinyan

November 29,2018 18:32

Residents of all regions who wish to start straw fuel production will receive beneficial loans in 2019. Head of the My Step alliance and Acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan spoke about this during a rally in the Syunik region.

“Straw fuel has more calories than wood. I spoke with the Central Bank of Armenia. We will provide very cheap loans. I call upon everyone to start thinking about this,” Nikol Pashinyan said.

According to Pashinyan, one cubic meter of straw fuel sells for 70,000 AMD. “That is equal to about 4 cubic meters of wood. Those who work with straw fuel and like what they do can continue with their work, but without harming forests. We will finance them. I think this is a very beneficial offer.”


Luiza Sukiasyan

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