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‘If we don’t want to repeat dark pages of our history, we need checking force in parliament’: Ara Papian

December 03,2018 13:41

Political scientist, Sasna Tsrer party candidate, head of the Modus Vivendi center, and former Ambassador of Armenia to Canada Ara Papian explained in Gyumri why he decided to join the Sasna Tsrer party after not having any political party affiliations his whole life. 

According to him, the Sasna Tsrer party is one that defends national ideals, and it has plans for both the next few years, as well as for the long-term.

“I support this party because I think that it has the most principled position in regards to the Artsakh conflict. This is very important. I also support the party because, through being very principled, it can see the kinds of developments that more traditional parties cannot. We have been traveling throughout different villages and cities in the Shirak region, and my impressions were mutually exclusive. On one hand, I was happy that people were willing to come and hold discussions. The atmosphere of fear has decreased. I can’t say that it has gone away completely, but people come to meet us, and they begin to hold discussions,” Ara Papian said.

“There needs to be a force that has the responsibility of checking, because an absurd situation arises when the same political party is the ruling one, and the force that checks it is the same party. And we have seen what happens when the same political party holds the governmental and legislative majority. Having a checking force is very important if we don’t want to repeat the dark pages of history,” Papian said.

Nune Arevshatyan

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