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Violations observers noted: 16 of 325 pre-election campaign violations done by My Step

December 07,2018 16:38

The head of the Helsinki Citizens Assembly office in Vanadzor, Artur Sakunts, presented the observations and evaluations made by observers during the pre-election campaigns.

He also presented some statistics regarding violations of rules during the pre-election campaigns. Sixteen of the 325 recorded violations were done by the My Step alliance, but Sakunts emphasized that such violations were also recorded from Prosperous Armenia and Sasna Tsrer. “We were unable to overcome this bad inheritance in 8 months.”

Sakunts said that approximately 600 voting stations will have observers, and they will also have observers outside of the voting stations. There will be 30 lawyers who will work actively on election day. Local election committees and offices will also be observing. He also said that their financial sources are open and transparent, unlike many political parties’, that did not include the number of posters printed or which print shop printed out the posters. “We also recorded such cases.”


Hripsime Jebejyan


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