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‘Closest democratic elections in 20-30 year history’: Observers’ evaluations

December 10,2018 17:33

Representative of the European Platform for Democratic Elections Adam Busuleanu said during a press conference that if the snap parliamentary elections are to be compared with previous elections, there were no stuffed ballots this year.

Head of the Transparency International anti-corruption center Sona Ayvazyan said, “The biggest problem we noted with voting centers was that 48 percent do not have proper entrances for those with physical disabilities, therefore not upholding their right to vote.”

Head of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor office Artur Sakunts presented some issues, including that there were attempts to pressure three individuals, and that there were voting centers were people without a license were present in the voting office. But overall, Sakunts said that these elections are incomparable to the 2017 parliamentary elections. “We can say that these elections were the closest to democratic elections in a 20-30 year history. In the past, violations had a continuous and unpunishable nature, but now, when we voice these problems, they are rectified.”


Hripsime Jebejyan

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