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International observers’ remarks to Armenian authorities

December 10,2018 20:32

International observers presented their evaluations of the snap parliamentary elections in Armenia.

Head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly delegation Nahima Lanjri spoke about gender equality. “In all parties, 25 percent of candidates were women. There were even parties with 32 percent female candidates. This seems positive, but it does not uphold women’s proportional representation in parliament. When I was in the city, I saw that women rarely participated in campaigns. We have listened to poor rhetoric in regards to gender. We know that politics was once a man’s job, but more than half of the population consists of women. This needs to be represented in politics.” She expressed hope that women will be encouraged to enter politics and that men and women will be represented equally in the next elections.

Head of the European Parliament delegation Heidi Hautala said that she was in Armenia during the previous parliamentary elections and she can see the changes that took place in Armenia’s political life.


Hripsime Jebejyan

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  1. How about giving a nice thumbs up instead of complaining about women’s representation which I am strongly for. The election was exemplary and we have more women representation than some European countries. We thank you for monitoring the elections but sometimes it’s better you shut up and give us the credit we deserve.

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