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60 votes for Christian Democratic Party got lost on way to Central Electoral Commission: Levon Shirinyan

December 11,2018 14:49

“I did not beg for votes. I even told some that I did not need their votes,” head of the Armenian Christian Democratic party Levon Shirinyan told reporters. He is thankful for all those who voted and did not vote for his party. He thinks that his party has established very effective roots in Armenian society. They will continue to work as another option, but now they will work outside of parliament. “We do not intend to work as an opposition force outside of parliament. We will supply our economic views, political concepts, great culture, and renovation of schools. We will continue our activities, but we will not be an opposition force on the streets,” Levon Shirinyan said.

According to Shirinyan, as a result of the snap parliamentary elections, Armenia did not have a classic parliament. Instead, it has an unbalanced parliament, where Nikol Pashinyan has a complete majority and Bright Armenia, which has basically the same views. But Levon Shirinyan does not see Bright Armenia as opposition in parliament, since they both are free forces, and they have similar values. Prosperous Armenia can be the opposition, in his opinion.

Levon Shirinyan announced that on election day, the number 6 ballot (for the Christian Democratic party) was missing in some voting stations. But the party did not complain so as not to ruin people’s mood. They will be leaving the problem for the Central Electoral Commission to solve. Levon Shirinyan also announced that 60 votes for them from three voting stations went missing on the way to the CEC.

Nelly Grigoryan

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