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Armenia: EU supports opening of arts and crafts centre and winter bazaar in Dilijan

December 13,2018 14:02

Arts and crafts specialists from the Armenian city of Dilijan and adjacent communities will from now on enjoy the city’s newly opened arts and crafts centre. Visitors will be able to create interesting items and souvenirs at the centre.

Officially opened on 8 December, the centre was established within the framework of the Dilijan and Adjacent Communities Development Initiative, with co-funding from the EU and the country’s Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development.

The centre’s opening ceremony was then followed by the official opening of Dilijan Winter Bazaar.

The establishment of Dilijan Arts and Crafts Center is one of the components of the Dilijan and Adjacent Communities Development Initiative – PRDP project, along with the first Dilijan Tourist Information Center, which opened on 17 August 2018.

EU Ambassador Piotr Świtalski congratulated the residents of Tavush marz, particularly the people of Dilijan community, and recalled the high level of attention paid by the EU to rural development, tourism and diversification of local activities at marz level.

“It’s people who make this project successful. Therefore, many thanks to IDeA (Initiatives for Development of Armenia) Foundation and people who are doing and participating in this project,” he said.

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