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‘They are not political prisoners’: Acting Minister of Justice regarding Armen Bilyan and Smbat Barseghyan

December 17,2018 20:49

Reporters asked Acting Minister of Justice Artak Zeynalyan during a press conference about Armen Bilyan and Smbat Barseghyan, who are members of Sasna Tsrer accused of murder. They were not granted amnesty, but Hayk Kyureghyan, who was granted amnesty and released, announced that they are political prisoners.

“I believe that they are accused of murder. I don’t think that they are political prisoners. The law on amnesty excludes those accused of murder. They killed people, and Armenia is responsible as a guarantor of the right to life for providing an effective investigation. Part of this, however, includes disclosure of the case and fair punishment,” Zeynalyan said.

He also said that the investigation against the members of this group continues, and the members of Sasna Tsrer have the right to apply to the European Court of Human Rights.

Nelly Babayan

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