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Super Prime Minister institute will decrease over time: Alen Simonyan

January 17,2019 21:30

“I am not aware of serious changes, but I know that everything is taking place to ensure that all criticism is taken into consideration,” Vice Speaker of the National Assembly Alen Simonyan told reporters after being asked about rumors that there will be serious changes in the government structure plan. Alen Simonyan does not believe that the new plan will differ much from the previous one.

There were also rumors that the plan needed to be brought to parliament during the most recent session. However, it was not brought to parliament. Alen Simonyan explained that it will be there when it’s ready.

He only said that the institution of a super prime ministership is decreasing over time, but everything is being done in order to avoid drastic steps. “We began to do that a long time ago, so there is that political will. Specific actions will take place. This was only the third session of parliament, and I assure you that this issue will be resolved over time. Regarding theories voiced in the past about supreme prime ministership, let’s take this into consideration: it was also important whom that was done for, during which time period, and what it would have brought in the future. Now we are not taking drastic measures, but let no one think that we’re avoiding that. We simply want to avoid doing the same thing a hundred times.”

Nelly Grigoryan

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