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Alexander Krylov: ‘Will Armenia go down a suicidal path?’

January 22,2019 20:44

Scientific worker at the Russian Academy of Sciences Faculty of International Economics and International Relations and Head of the Scholarly Society of Caucasian Studies Alexander Krylov said during a press conference that he believes the problem is that the desires of societal and political elites in the post-Soviet Union are different. Krylov considers cutting off economic ties with Russia to be suicidal, which several countries have already done, such as Georgia and Ukraine. He is not against sovereign nations reviewing their political priorities, but he believes that, “The post-Soviet elites notice when societies are sacrificed to satisfy their wishes.”

Regarding the revolution that took place in Armenia last year and the new authorities, Alexander Krylov happily noted that Armenia is carrying out a colorful revolution. The former authorities were voted out in the parliamentary elections, which opened the path for new changes and new relationships. Krylov views the fact that the new Armenian authorities clearly stated that they will uphold foreign policy priorities positively. But he also considered the effectiveness of planned changes to be important, since the development of Armenian-Russian relations is based off of that.

Nelly Grigoryan

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