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Nune Sarkissian: ‘If someone has evil in their heart, that is a disability’

January 24,2019 18:38

First Lady of Armenia Nune Sarkissian visited the “Bari Tnak” center, where she was greeted with flowers. “Bari Tnak” is a development center where therapy classes are held. It also offers services from speech therapists and psychologists. It was created by Armenian mothers in order to help children with disabilities who were left in orphanages. The First Lady was introduced to the center’s conditions and was introduced to specialists and to the children.

According to Nune Sarkissian, Armenian society’s approach towards people with disabilities needs to change, and we need to be more inclusive towards them. “Everyone has their flaws. If someone has evil in their heart, then that is their disability. Being jealous is a disability. But being blind and deaf are considered disabilities instead. What’s important is that we have the ability to educate those with disabilities in our country, as well as teach them art, so that they don’t feel lonely. They need to live long lives and avoid depression. We also need to create conditions for people with disabilities to be able to get around in our country and in our city.”

Founder of “Bari Mama” Marina Adulyan gifted the President’s wife a souvenir created by the children. She said that the profits from the sale of such souvenirs go to the “Bari Tnak” center.

The President’s cabinet donated 2,664,000 AMD to “Bari Tnak,” which allowed the center to get a new heating system.

Gohar Hakobyan

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