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Marukyan suggests those who avoided service older than 27 can pay to be free from investigation

January 28,2019 18:39

Head of the Bright Armenia political party Edmon Marukyan told reporters at Yerablur that his party drafted a new bill. This bill will allow those under investigation for avoiding military service before December of 2018 who are over the age of 27 to pay to be free from investigation.

According to Marukyan, “Hundreds of people are waiting for that bill to become law so that they can return to their homeland. The amount they need to pay was raised from 1.8 million AMD to 3.6 million AMD. On one hand, this is reminding them that what they did was wrong, but on the other hand, it gives 27-year-olds the opportunity to return to Armenia.”

Aravot asked if that will, therefore, motivate new conscripts to emigrate, make money overseas, and pay their fine to return. Marukyan said, “I do not think that 18-year-olds will want to run away for nine years only to work, to pay a fine, and to live here once more.”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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