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Pashinyan on making National Security Service and police a ministry

January 31,2019 13:52

Why hasn’t the plan for changes in the government’s structure reached parliament, and what will the National Security Service and police become? Will they become ministries? Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan answered reporters’ questions, saying that he spoke about this during his speech at the police collegiate session.

“It is definite that these state bodies need to be under the protection of parliament, but this does not mean that they should become ministries. If the police were to become a ministry, it would mean that the minister would have to be a political figure, which means that this structure will become politicized. But I do agree with the fact that the police needs to be under the protection of the parliament.”

Pashinyan noted that an unprecedented action took place when the NSS leader personally participated in budgetary discussions.

Since the ministries have to unite to become 12, the Prime Minister said that they want for this process to go as smoothly as possible, and for them to plan out the process de facto, so that they can put their plan into action de jure. “If people think that any minister is less subordinate to the Prime Minister than the NSS leader or the Chief of Police, they are wrong. There is no country in the world where ministers are not subordinate to the Prime Minister.”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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