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Weapons to jewelry: Artwork of brothers from Gyumri presented in Madame Graffigny castle-gallery

February 10,2019 16:34

The artwork of Arman Tadevosyan, presented under the title of “The Traces of Shadows,” was presented in a private exhibition at the Madame Graffigny castle-gallery in Villers-les-Nancy, France. Tadevosyan, a native of Gyumri, has been living in Villers-les-Nancy for nine years. His paintings “Birthday,” “Dance,” “Flight,” “The Crucifixion,” “The Pieta,” and others were presented in the exhibit.

The works of his brother, Artak Tadevosyan, were also presented in the exhibit. Artak turns weapons into jewelry and took inspiration from his brother’s paintings. Artak spoke about this with Aravot, and sent the newspaper photographs of his and his brother’s works from the exhibit. Artak Tadevosyan did not go to the exhibition, but he sent in his works. The exhibition will last from February 7th until March 10th.

“In the future, I plan to turn the works of many artists into jewelry as well, so that way I can bring a jewelry-loving society onto the art platform. We have already made agreements with Vazgen Pahlavuni, Ashot Ashot, Alexei Manukyan, Sargis Hovhannisyan, and several other artists from Gyumri. The list of artists grows every day, and I will do my best to include as many artists as possible,” Artak Tadevosyan said.

Nune Arevshatyan

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