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Pashinyan: ‘Repeated positions in ministries will be cut, but there will not be serious cuts’

February 12,2019 16:59

“People are worried that large-scale activities will not be able to be carried out. We believe that the volume of work needs to decrease. I do not agree with evaluations that the decrease of ministries should be looked at from the perspective of a shortage in jobs,” Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said during a session of parliament regarding the shortage of ministries while presenting the plans for optimization of the government.

He noted, “If you view the state government system as a workplace, let’s look at a different path. Say we create 20,000 new jobs and create 1,000 more positions in every ministry, or we quadruple the number of jobs in the provincial governments. When they say that the government needs to think about the workers, I want to know if any company will increase the number of positions if it doesn’t need them. Let them increase positions, and let’s see what condition the company is in several years.”

According to Nikol Pashinyan, this does not mean that they are not worried about the social conditions of the workers in the ministries that closed. “We will do everything to make sure that there are no serious shortages or cuts, and every state official who works in a ministry will have the opportunity to prove that they are carrying out specific work and that they have the correct credentials for that. The ministries will unite, repeated positions will be cut, and serious cuts will not be made. Automatic cuts will not be made in time either.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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