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12.2% increase in passenger flow, as compared to January 2018

February 12,2019 20:10

In January of the current year the two airports of the Republic of Armenia served 212 171 people in total, thus exceeding the indicator of the same month of 2018 by 12.2%.

As compared to January 2018, a 12.6% increase in passenger flow was observed at “Zvartnots” International Airport of Yerevan in the 1st month of 2019. In January 2019 Zvartnots served

200 731 passengers against 178 292 of the past January.

As for Shirak Airport of Gyumri, this January it served 11 440 passengers, while this indicator was only 10 876 in January 2018. Thus there has been an increase of 5.2%.


  Number of passengers in  January 2018 Number of passengers in January 2019 Difference in %s
Zvartnots 178 292 200 731  + 12.6 %
Shirak 10 876 11 440  + 5.2 %
TOTAL 189 168 212 171  + 12.2 %


In January 2019, at Zvartnots and Shirak airports there has also been recorded an increase of 12% in the number of takeoff-landings, as compared to the same month of the previous year.

“Armenia” International Airports” CJSC

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