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‘There can be no return to the former criminal oligarch regime’: Nikol Pashinyan

February 12,2019 17:31

“We have a National Assembly and government with an unprecedented high level of legitimacy. This does not mean that the political system is flawless and that it has no need for changes. It means that there can be no return to the former criminal oligarch regime. The final remnants of such a ruling regime need to be eliminated soon,” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during a parliament session while presenting the government’s plan. He reminded everyone that it is his mission to serve the state and the people.

While presenting the upcoming five-year plan of government, he noted their goal. “The government’s plan is to build an economy that has high levels of technology, that focuses on high levels of exports and production, and that is competitive.” According to the Prime Minister, this means that the government’s issue is to have an economy in five years whose movement is based off of new technology. “We are referring to all types of technology: informational, production, agricultural, educational, tourist, health, defense, environmental… to be brief, human thought and intellect need to be the prime moving force of the Armenian economy. For example, people need to use their mental strength more so than physical strength in the field of agriculture. So that no one regards this comment as scorn, I also should note that Armenia needs to correspond to the highest ecological characteristics.”

According to Nikol Pashinyan, all branches of the economy, such as agriculture, mining, and others, need to correspond to environmental standards. “All citizens need to realize this, including smokers who throw their finished cigarettes on the ground.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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